Apparently, there’s a perfectly good adequate reason that Mc. Donald’s ice cream machines seem to be broken almost more often than they’re working. They’re not broken . Turns out, the soft serve machines must go through a laborious cleaning cycle that can last hours.
, mc Donald’s requires its ice cream machines to undergo a daily cleaning cycle , which can last for up to four hours. The labor-intensive 11-step cleaning process entails using a warm water-sanitizer mix to clean more than seven removable parts. Two more irremovable parts must also be scrubbed for 60 seconds before the machine’s exterior is wiped down with a clean, sanitized towel.
Why can’T McDonald’s serve ice cream?
The main reason is that the Mc. Donald’s ice cream machines take forever to clean, taking up to four hours to sanitize—and it has to be done every single day. When the machines are in the process of being cleaned , they can’t serve ice cream.
One employee shared on Reddit that in her year and a half working at the chain, the ice cream machine has only legitimately been down one time, but they can’t sell ice cream because they’re always cleaning it . So for now, you may have to keep your Mc. Flurry cravings to a minimum until all of the new Mc. Donald’s ice cream machines are in place.
At the root of the FTC’s inquiry is how Mc. Donald’s reviews suppliers and equipment , including the ice cream machines, and how often restaurant owners are allowed to work on their machines, a person familiar with the matter told the Journal..
Why does McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine take so long?
Over the years, Mc. Donald’s employees have often said the reason is that the chain’s ice cream machines take a really long time to clean , taking up to four hours to sanitize—and it has to be done every single day. When the machines are in the process of being cleaned, they can’t serve ice cream.
, some mc Donald’s locations may run 24/7 , but the ice cream machines don’t — which means someone’s bound to be disappointed. That’s only part of the problem, though, and franchisees report that the machines are very finicky, and at any given time, about 25 percent of the company’s ice cream machines are, indeed, broken.
One article argued that in a Reddit Ask Me Anything, a Mc. Donald’s employee wrote, “The modern ice cream machines have a mandatory heat treatment cycle that takes a minimum of 3 hours to complete, and much longer If the machines [sic] is not prepared for it.
Do McDonald’s McFlurry machines actually work?
Former and current Mc. Donald’s employees also report that the Mc. Flurry machines happen to be quite temperamental , too. Indeed, the WSJ also reported that a 2000 survey found that one-quarter of ice cream units in Mc. Donald’s stores were not working properly. It may be easier to ignore the machine altogether.
Is McDonald’s McFlurry down?
It’s perhaps easier to say the machine is down than take the time to reassemble. Former and current Mc. Donald’s employees also report that the Mc. Flurry machines happen to be quite temperamental, too. Indeed, the WSJ also reported that a 2000 survey found that one-quarter of ice cream units in Mc. Donald’s stores were not working properly.