Where does amazon kindle download books?

Your downloaded Kindle titles will be stored at two different places depends on how did you get these Kindle books . For books purchased from your own Kindle account, the default path is: This PC\Android device\Internal storage\Android\data\com., and amazon., and kindlefc\files\.

Amazon Kindle, an electronic reading device, allows you to buy and download magazines, books, and newspapers right to your tablet. The Kindle is not just for reading . How do I get my Kindle books to download from the cloud?

How to download Kindle books from library to local devices?

By default, all new bought Kindle books will be saved in the Kindle cloud . If we want to download the kindle book from the library to the local devices, we should sync the Kindle first. Open the Kindle app, tap on “Sync” icon. If you didn’t log in the app, register your Kindle first.

When I was reading we ran into the question “How does Kindle for PC read books?”.

Amazon’s Kindle for PC reader saves a copy of your books to your hard drive , once you download them. Note that you have to download them from the cloud; new books aren’t downloaded to a device unless (1) you told Amazon to send that book to that device or (2) you downloaded the book from the app on that device.

What’s the Kindle book download location?

A: Books that downloaded from Kindle e-ink or tablet devices are saved in “Documents” folder. They will be saved as AZW3 or KFX format. If the kindle contents are synced and downloaded via Kindle for PC/Mac , they will be saved in “My Kindle Content” folder.

, and amazon. Kindlefc\files\ For documents or files you send to your Kindle for Android, when these books has been downloaded, it should be stored here: May I ask you one question: why do you want to find the file location of Kindle books?

A: Sure, you can change the Kindle book location. Here you will see your current content folder for Kindle books.

Where do I find my kindle library on amazon?

Your Kindle Library is now accessible. Books, Newsstand, and Audiobooks may be found on the left-hand panel of the Home screen , or you can select an icon from the app grid or carousel to browse specific items in your Kindle Library. To download a title to your phone, simply tap it.

You can find your Kindle library’s contents by visiting Amazon. Com on any Internet-enabled device . From the home page, click Your Account, and sign in. This leads to the account profile where you can find a link to your Kindle library.

The link to the Kindle library is in the Digital Content menu of your Amazon. Com account profile. This brings you to a page with a list of both purchased and borrowed Kindle items. Clicking Books allows you to change the type of Kindle content displayed on the list.