The new rewards program allows you to earn reward points to use towards free groceries and cash discounts. You can still use the rewards points for savings on gas , but if you do not have a Safeway fuel center nearby, then the grocery rewards program will be a better option for you to shop and save at Safeway.
Moreover, what are safeway rewards?
Safeway Reward Points are easy to earn by purchasing qualifying groceries, gift cards, and pharmacy items with a Safeway Club Card, and are easy to redeem at participating Safeway fuel centers . For every 100 points earned by shopping at Safeway with a Safeway Club Card, shoppers get a 10 cent per gallon reward.
Safeway is making major changes to its Rewards Program. Now, you can choose to use points for fuel or grocery discounts, including FREE items . The fuel side stays the same, save 10¢ per gallon gas for every 100 points earned — up to $1. Just remember, 100 points is now equal to 1 Reward. And 1 Reward is equal to 10¢ off per gallon of gas.
What is the Safeway just for U program?
Safeway Grocery Rewards Program Safeway has launched a new Grocery Rewards program through its Just for U platform. The new rewards program allows you to earn reward points to use towards free groceries and cash discounts.
The Safeway mobile app enables for U™ members to view and clip digital coupons and personalized deals , redeem Rewards for free gas and groceries and receive cash discounts, create an in-store shopping list, place online orders for delivery and Drive. Up & Go™, and much more. What is the Birthday treat and how do I receive it?
How much do you get per gallon with a Safeway card?
For every 100 points earned by shopping at Safeway with a Safeway Club Card, shoppers get a 10 cent per gallon reward. Shoppers can use up to $1 dollar per gallon in rewards on a single fill-up at a participating Safeway fuel center location, with a maximum of 25 gallons and a limit of one vehicle per transaction.