Food Lion pays its employees an average of $10.62 an hour. Hourly pay at Food Lion ranges from an average of $8.41 to $16.37 an hour. Food Lion employees with the job title Deli Manager make the most with an average hourly rate of $16.14 , while employees with the title …Read more ….
One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “How much does Food Lion pay an hour?”.
The hourly earnings for employees at Food Lion vary because of state and city minimum wage laws. However, we can give you a general idea of what the hourly pay is for each position. The pay range for cashiers at Food Lion is between $7 and $10 an hour.
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was how old do you have to be to work at Food Lion?
For associate positions in the various departments like produce, deli, bakery, or seafood, you must be at least 18 years old . A cashier at Food Lion is responsible for providing a positive customer checkout experience. A cashier greets customers, follows correct bagging procedures, and will check all carts to make sure the order is complete.
This begs the query “How do I apply for a job at Food Lion?”
If you are interested in working at Food Lion, you can apply directly on the company website , which does have various job listings. You can fill out your application online at sites like Indeed. Com or Glassdoor. Com, and it will be sent to the specific store you are applying to.
One more query we ran across in our research was “Does food lion hire 16 year olds?”.
You can begin to work at Food Lion at the age of 16 with a workers permit. You are not allowed to work more than 28 hours a week however until you turn 18. The hiring age is 16 .
They expect you to work for a year or two and quit, so that they can hire someone to else new. Not every food lion is like this, but this is my experience. Decent work environment depending on location. Terrible pay, horrible management, and incredibly stressful work days. Was this review helpful?
Is foodlion a good place to work?
Foodlion is greedy and cheap . They don’t care about the workers, just SALES SALES AMD SALES. A bit of advice, of a customer went to a GROCERY store for food they’re not gonna wanna but TOILET PAPER!!! Was this review helpful?
Can a 17 year old work at Applebee’s?
Since they do serve alcohol, many job positions there are reserved for high school students who are at least 18 years of age. However, some Applebee’s locations hire 16 and 17-year-olds for non-server positions such as curbside delivery and host/hostess.
Have you ever been young and needing a job ?