Does food lion issue money orders?

Yes, Food Lion sells Money orders. Money Orders is one of the best ways to send or receive money , and you can buy Money Orders at many grocery stores. Food Lion is one of them. According to the Customer Service Department, Food Lion sells Money Orders through Western Union at most stores.

Can I pay with a personal or payroll check at Food Lion?

Food Lion makes shopping easy and convenient for you, our customer (and associates), by accepting your personal or payroll checks for payment using the following guidelines:.

*Food Lion Management reserves the right to limit Refunds or Double Money Back Guarantees Our goal at Food Lion is to provide accurate pricing for our customers . We make it easy for you to recognize the price of our items by correctly representing the price on shelf tags or signs in front of the item.

While we were reading we ran into the inquiry “What checks does Food Lion not accept?”.

Food Lion will not accept the following checks: Payroll Checks over $1,000.00 Check Cashing and Returned Check Fees Vary by State. Each store will have applicable fees posted for their customers to see. Food Lion understands the importance of extra savings.

Can you use a Food Lion gift card for cash?

Food Lion Gift Cards may be redeemed for merchandise only and may not be redeemed for cash, unless required by law. Are there any discounts or other incentives offered with the purchase or use of the Food Lion Gift Card? A discount of 5% is available for non-profit organizations for purchases of $500 or more.

In-store: Food Lion gift cards can be purchased at any Food Lion store. Phone: Contact the Food Lion Gift Card Team at (800) 811-1748 to purchase or reload gift cards. Our Gift Card Sales Department is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a., and m. To 5:00 p. m. (ET) Online: Our gift card page allows you to buy or reload Food Lion gift cards and e, and gift cards.

Food Lion accepts manufacturer and store coupons that can be obtained from newspapers, flyers, the internet, our MVP Savings Center, foodlion. Com, or our Catalina coupon machines at each register.