Are best buy credit cards easy to get?

In general, the easiest cards to get with fair credit will be the bare-bones starter cards ; the ones without annual fees can be great for building credit, though, if you’re able to pay an annual fee, you can also likely find a card with purchase rewards. Just make sure the rewards are worth the fee before applying.

Are best buy credit cards hard to get?

The Best Buy store card is definitely a difficult card to get, at least in my opinion. When I applied I had the intent of financing a tv. So after hitting the “submit” button, the application came back as approved. I wasn’t told my limit, I was only told the AF which happened to be a ridiculous $59.

You might be thinking “Can I Use my Best Buy credit card at Best Buy?”

There are actually two Best Buy credit cards, the Best Buy® Credit Card and the Best Buy® Store Card that you can only use at Best Buy . Your odds of Best Buy® Credit Card approval will only be good if your credit score is at least good.

How does the Best Buy credit card ruin your credit?

You can apply for the Best Buy credit card without worrying that you will ruin your credit. So that you understand how the card can ruin your credit, we will discuss it . The first way is that applying for the card will cause your credit score to decrease a few points; every credit card application has this affect on a credit score.

Which Best Buy credit card should you apply for?

According to Best Buy, when you apply for a card, you are first considered for the My Best Buy Visa Platinum (open-loop, no annual fee). If you don’t qualify, you’re then considered for, in order, the My Best Buy Credit Card (store card) and finally the My Best Buy Visa Gold (with annual fee).

How much do you get for your first Best Buy card?

That means if you’re spending $2,000 on your first Best Buy credit card purchase, you’ll get 10,000 points. That’s equal to $200 in Best Buy rewards certificates. Unlike many credit cards, you won’t have to spend a certain amount on purchases on your new card before you receive the bonus.

You need a 640+ credit score to get approved for the Best Buy Store Card. That means Best Buy Store Card requires fair credit or better for approval. There are other things besides your credit score that are taken into account for Best Buy Store Card approval., and the basics. You will need a U. Mailing address and a Social Security Number (SSN).

What are my Best Buy credit card approval odds?

Your Best Buy® Credit Card approval odds are pretty good as long as your credit score is at least fair. There are actually two Best Buy credit cards, the Best Buy® Credit Card and the Best Buy® Store Card that you can only use at Best Buy. Your odds of Best Buy® Credit Card approval will only be good if your credit score is at least good.

Yet another question we ran across in our research was “What are my odds of Best Buy visa approval?”.

Your odds of Best Buy Visa approval will only be good if your credit score is at least 700. But if you don’t get that version, you’ll be automatically considered for the Best Buy Store Card, which requires fair credit, or a score of 640+. But there’s more to Best Buy credit card approval than just your credit score.