These are the typical hours of operation, though the exact times can vary from location to location: Monday to Sunday Hours. Discount Tire is closed on Sundays. If a holiday falls on Sunday, all stores are automatically closed.
Some companies, like Chick-Fil-A, believe in having the last day of the week dedicated to rest and spending time with family. This tire retailer follows similar suite , therefore Discount Tire is closed on Sunday. The table above shows the general Discount Tires hours for the entire week.
A inquiry we ran across in our research was “Are Discount Tire stores open on Christmas Eve and Black Friday?”.
The majority of stores close EARLY on Christmas Eve and close LATER than normal on Black Friday. We recommend that you call ahead to check the exact Discount Tire holiday hours of operation .
When we were reading we ran into the query “What time does Discount Tire open and close?”.
When does Discount Tire close? These are the typical hours of operation , though the exact times can vary from location to location: Monday to Sunday Hours.
Does Discount Tire perform tire shaving services?
Discount Tire does not perform tire shaving services. It is not a service that we endorse as it may void the tread life warranty and coverage of Certificates purchased with your tires. Discount Tire does not sell or repair bicycle tires of any type. Discount Tire does not perform any state inspections.
I learned the first Discount Tire was founded in 1960 by Bruce T. Halle in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Like with any new business, starting out wasn’t easy for him. Halle had only six tires, a portable air tank, and he ran the business all by himself. He was the salesman, accountant, technician, sign painter, cleaning crew, plus he operated the store computer.
Another thing we wanted the answer to was, can Discount Tire repair or replace my truck tire?
Our locations are not equipped to service, repair or replace the tires on heavy trucks or equipment such as dump trucks, tractor trailers/semi-trucks or OTR (Off The Road) tires. Discount Tire does not sell motorcycle or dirt bike tires, although some locations will provide air pressure checks .
Why choose Discount Tire?
Unlike other chain tire shops which offer auto repair and maintenance services, Discount Tire has always focused on providing world-class customer service and value for our two main products: tires and wheels. We prefer to specialize in tires and wheels in order to give you the highest quality, fastest and efficient service and value possible .
No matter how many vehicles your business uses, Discount Tire Fleet can keep you and your crew on the road for less . The nearest Discount Tire store is 3.4 miles from this store. We offer deals and rebates on tires and wheels from all of the top brands.
When do stores open&close during the holidays?
Commonly, stores open later than normal and close earlier than normal on major holidays, such as Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day and New Years Day. The majority of stores close EARLY on Christmas Eve and close LATER than normal on Black Friday.
If a holiday falls on Sunday, all stores are automatically closed. Commonly, stores open later than normal and close earlier than normal on major holidays, such as Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day and New Years Day. The majority of stores close EARLY on Christmas Eve and close LATER than normal on Black Friday.