Unfortunately, Hannaford delivery does not take EBT payments. All payments must be made online with a valid credit card during checkout. Hannaford currently accepts Visa , Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards.
When I was reading we ran into the inquiry “Does hannaford accept american express?”.
Hannaford currently accepts Visa , Mastercard, American Express, and Discover credit cards. Upon completing the online checkout process, a temporary hold of 110% of the estimated order total will be placed on your credit card.
Can I choose a specific Hannaford store to fulfill my order?
You cannot choose a specific Hannaford store to fulfill your order. Locations are predetermined by zip code for best delivery accommodations. Contact Consumer Relations directly for questions and support regarding your order at (800) 213-9040.
Yes, by going to instacart. Com and selecting Hannaford as your retailer, Instacart will shop and deliver products to your home . Can I earn My Hannaford Rewards with my orders on Instacart?
A Hannaford gift card is a pre-paid card that works like a gift certificate and can be used to purchase merchandise at any Hannaford Supermarket. It’s more convenient than giving cash or a paper gift certificate.
Can I redeem digital coupons at any Hannaford store?
Digital coupons can only be redeemed at hannaford. Com, using the Hannaford app, or in one of our retail stores. Can I redeem My Hannaford Rewards with my Instacart orders ?
Does hannaford accept apple pay?
Yes, Hannaford takes Apple Pay as a payment method at all of their supermarket locations. Hannaford grocery stores began accepting mobile payments back in 2016. So, the next time you’re shopping for groceries at your local Hannaford supermarket, check out with Apple Pay!
Are there any merchants that don’t accept Apple Pay?
Not all of these merchants below will refuse Apple Pay , but they have not officially accepted it as far as we can tell. Some stores, like CVS, have confirmed disabling NFC card readers to prevent Apple Pay use (though, some renegade stores will still accept it).