The Dollar General store operates across all the states from 8 am till 9 pm. Generally, the stores close by 9 pm because the staff needs time to clean and stock the shelves for the next day. The store ideally closes at 10 pm. The stores are operated for more than 12-13 hours a day.
Dollar General Hours Of Operation The Dollar General store operates across all the states from 8 am till 9 pm. Generally, the stores close by 9 pm because the staff needs time to clean and stock the shelves for the next day. The store ideally closes at 10 pm.
However, as there are more than 12,000 Dollar General stores in the USA, some of them may operate with different open hours. Check the hours of your store by choosing your city and market you are looking for to make sure. Normally Dollar General stores are only closed once a year, on Christmas .
How to find Dollar General nearby store?
If you are living in America then you can get easily find Dollar General’s nearest store in your location. Dollar General also has customer care services. If you have faced any service-related issues then you will call their customer service number and they will guide you step by step.
Yet another question we ran across in our research was “Where is the headquarters of Dollar General located?”.
Some have found that dollar General Headquarters 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072, USA Here is the most common schedule of Dollar General stores. However, as there are more than 12,000 Dollar General stores in the USA, some of them may operate with different open hours.
Dollar General has more than 17,000 stores in 46 states! Find your closest Dollar General store here.
There are about 16,000 Dollar General Stores that have been opened in 2020. If you are living in America, then you will easily get find their stores and you can purchase anything from their nearest store.
Can I order online from dollar general?
Online Account Opening an online shopping account on www., and dollargeneral. Com is easy. To register your information, simply click My Account or follow the prompts when placing an online order .
How do I open an online account with Dollar General?
Opening an online shopping account on www., and dollargeneral. Com is easy. To register your information, simply click My Account or follow the prompts when placing an online order. Opening an account offers you a safe and convenient way to shop , track your shipments, and receive e-mails about your order., and www., and dollargeneral. Com values your privacy.
Another question we ran across in our research was “Does Dollar General accept digital coupons?”.
Another answer is dollar General accepts digital coupons that are clipped to your account . How far in advance can I schedule a pickup time? Dollar General offers pickup windows up to two days out.
, dg auto Deliver | Dollar General Enjoy the convenience of everyday items automatically delivered to your door. Save 5% off subscription orders and free shipping on orders of $25+ .
If you have never shopped at a dollar store online, you may be surprised by what you find and how much you save. By expanding your savvy shopping to online discount and dollar stores, you will find that your options are greater and your savings will increase .
How to round money amounts to the nearest dollar?
Round to the Nearest Dollar: If you want to round money amounts then make use of the handy tool Round to the Nearest Dollar over here . It makes your calculations much simple and displays the result in the blink of an eye. The tool is quite user-friendly and you just need to provide the input values and it does everything for you.