How fast can sonic x run?

Most fans begin by stating that, at the very least, Sonic can run 767 miles per hour , fast enough to break the sound barrier. That’s kind of his whole deal, after all. It’s after this point that things get a little trickier.

, and 763 mph. Current land speed world record., and 767 mph. Sonic the Hedgehog. At that speed, he could run around the world in less than a day ! Also 767 mph. Speed of sound at 68 degrees Fahrenheit., and 1,700 mph., and a bullet.

Meaning sonic can go 7.29 times faster than light in sonic unleashed. Even in the Japanese manual, it states “sonic can go anywhere at light speed.” sonic is even confirmed faster than light and the fastest video game character of all time. He can further increase his speed to 3000. Meaning he can go 7.57 times light speed.

Originally he was said to be the speed of sound, at 767+ miles per hour at sea level. In Sonic Unleaded the check points would report his speed in excess of 2500 miles an hour . After that he developed light speed attacks and the ability to travel at light speed and to freeze time.

Can Sonic run faster than the speed of time?

@IGN pretty sure Sonic hasn’t run faster than the speed of time like Barry or Wally., unless sonic Point is a comic I missed. @IGN The Flash obviously because Sonic can’t break the sound barrier and bend time like Barry Allen can.

You might be thinking “Can sonic run faster than the flash?”

The Flash is faster than Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog runs at the speed of sound. While the Flash can run so fast he can jump through time . The Flash because Sonic can’t break the sound barrier and bend time.

Another popular query is “Can the Flash run faster than the speed of light?”.

Depends on which Flash we’re talking about here, but the short answer is yes he can. The 2 main modern Flashes, Barry Allen and Wally West are both capable of running faster than light. They run into issues running so fast though, as they start to brush up against the Speed Force.

How do you run at the speed of light in Sonic?

There are a number of games in which Sonic runs at the speed of light, mostly when there’s a chain of rings and you press the B button (I’ve played on Game. Cube, so I don’t know which button it is on Play. Station or PC), or if you collect a wisp.

What is Sonic’s hypersonic speed?

Generally hypersonic generally refers to speeds above Mach 5. Like these terms, Sonic’s speed is never called out as an exact quantity of distance per time, rather that “he is faster than the speed of sound”. Anything more specific than this is not quoted.

Can sonic go the speed of light?

Either Sonic can’t move at Light Speed, or everyone and their mother has light speed travel. Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2 and Unleashed all state the Light Speed Dash is light speed. In Sonic Heroes and Generations he can do that without Light Speed Shoes, and the Light Speed Attack in the former.

This begs the inquiry “Is Sonic faster than the speed of light?”

So yes, he is faster than light because he was able to escape the black hole for half a minute. But he can run even faster than that. In Sonic Generations, he was able to run so fast that he restored time and space when it was destroyed. Now that is just ridiculous.

Is Sonic’s Light Speed Dash actually light speed?

Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2 and Unleashed all state the Light Speed Dash is light speed. In Sonic Heroes and Generations he can do that without Light Speed Shoes, and the Light Speed Attack in the former. In Sonic Unleashed, the SPD from checkpoints and even the speed meter in the corner show Sonic can outpace said Light Speed Dash casually.

Can Sonic beat the Flash’s phasing ability?

As useful as these power-ups are, it can only work if Sonic has a way to beat out Flash’s phasing ability. By moving his molecules at super speed, The Flash is capable of phasing through objects. By extension, this means he is able to phase through enemy punches and can even phase through objects through a multitude of buildings.

How fast is kamikaze speed?

Within the game his max speed has been as slow as 10 meters per second and less than a quarter the speed of sound but tht’s his actual speed in the game according to screw attack.