If you nip into a store like Best Buy or Walmart for your large electronics, you’ll almost definitely be offered a protection plan of some sort . These are often replacement or repair programs that claim to make the blow of dead electronics easier on you in the long run.
They essentially cover everything Best Buy does (outlined above) , but at much better rates. For example, if you purchase a laptop priced between $500 and $5000, the three-year plan is only $95. That covers your hardware, including normal wear and tear and accidental damage. Now that is absolutely worth it.
What is the best buy protection plan?
Best Buy will provide you with a repair, replacement or store credit to purchase a new device if your product suffers from a mechanical failure or, in some cases, accidental damage from handling. Your membership covers the price of each Best Buy Protection Plan.
Bring your gift to a Best Buy store with your gift receipt and we can attach a Protection Plan for you. If you received a large item such as a TV, major appliance or large fitness equipment, you can simply bring in your gift receipt. See the categories you can purchase Protection Plans for and get further details about coverage.
Should I purchase a protection plan?
] Whether you want to purchase a protection plan generally comes down to whether it makes sound financial sense , and depends on a variety of factors, including the cost of the plan and the price of the purchase, as well as what is and isn’t excluded in the fine print.
But the best reason to not buy a protection plan is if the math doesn’t make purchasing a plan worthwhile . “The average cost of the protection plan is almost always much higher than the average cost of making necessary repairs to the product,” Sanders says.
Should I get best buy geek squad protection?
If you have absolutely no knowledge of troubleshooting, then a Geek Squad plan may be best for you, especially if you’re a power user who absolutely counts on their computer for work or other needs. I wouldn’t buy a plan for a tablet , though unless you’re buying the highest-end devices.
Geek Squad Protection Plan Geek. Squad Protection Plan covers computers, tablets, e. Readers, TVs, drones, and more . It is meant to offer you coverage after the warranty period ends on your equipment. You can extend that warranty for up to 5 years on items purchased at Best Buy.
What is the Best Buy Geek Squad Protection?
Best Buy basically has three plans: a replacement plan for smaller electronics, like cameras, headphones, gaming controllers and consoles, etc, a service plan for larger ones like TVs and home theater equipment, and a service plan for laptops and tablets. This is called “Geek Squad Protection”.
Can I transfer my Geek Squad Protection Plan to another product?
However, a Plan cannot be transferred from one product to another , except for cases in which you receive a replacement product from the manufacturer. For more assistance, the owner of the Plan can call 1-800-433-5778 or a Best Buy store. Who is the underwriter of Geek Squad Protection Plans?
Most manufacturer’s warranties only cover defects in materials and workmanship. Geek Squad plans, however, cover issues arising from daily wear and tear and even accidental damage. Is there a time limit on purchasing a Geek Squad Protection Plan?
While we were researching we ran into the query “Is there a Geek Squad credit card with no yearly fees?”.
( Yes, such credit cards are available with no yearly fees .) During the check-out process, Best Buy tries to sell you a Geek Squad “Accidental Protection Plan.” To get an additional year of Best Buy’s extended warranty, you’d have to pay $324.98 for a “3-Year Accidental Protection Plan”.
Is the Best Buy Home Warranty worth it?
As a salesman in home theater right now the most frequent use of the protection plans have been for surge protection, most people don’t have good enough protection to stop lightning.
Also, how much does Best Buy’s extended warranty cost?
During the check-out process, Best Buy tries to sell you a Geek Squad “Accidental Protection Plan.” To get an additional year of Best Buy’s extended warranty, you’d have to pay $324.98 for a “3-Year Accidental Protection Plan”.