If you think you’re going to switch wireless carriers in the near future, purchasing from Apple is probably the best option . You’ll pay a little more in the short-term, but save yourself the headache of trying to have the phone unlocked. Regardless of where you purchase your i. Phone, we recommend doing so online.
If you’re happy with your wireless carrier, purchase your new i. Phone directly from them. You’ll get a better deal and you won’t need to worry about whether or not the i. Phone is unlocked. If you think you’re going to switch wireless carriers in the near future, purchasing from Apple is probably the best option .
In the past, when purchasing an i. Phone, buying options were very limited. You could walk into an Apple Store, Best Buy, or any of the major retailers and pay full price, or you could simply buy the phone through your carrier at a subsidized cost .
Did you ever buy an iPhone through Verizon?
But I will admit I never purchased an i. Phone through Verizon. If you are paying in full then it might depend on if you are trading in another phone and how much each company offers. I prefer Apple Care + over the Verizon offer and not sure if you can add Apple Care + after the fact if you purchase through another vender besides Apple.
I bought my XS outright from Verizon, via Target, because it was a better deal than buying from Apple. 10 months later when the mute switch malfunctioned, I didn’t have a local Apple store to take it to and would have had to send it to Apple for repair/replacement, leaving me without a phone while they fixed it.
Should you buy an iPhone with data or return it?
Like Apple, most wireless carriers have a 14-day return policy. However, this can vary from carrier to carrier, so make sure to ask while you’re buying your new i, and phone . Because of the various deals that you can get from bundling your phone in with your data plan, this is generally the best option as long as you know exactly what you want.