While you can apply to all the colleges you like, a good rule of thumb is that you should apply to anywhere from six to 10 schools. These schools should be: 3 to 5 Target Schools You Want to Attend.
Therefore, applying to about 2-5 target colleges is a reasonable number. Students who are extremely eager to go to selective colleges can apply to mostly reach and target schools. However, make sure you apply to at least a couple of safety schools to ensure you have choices given a worst-case scenario.
You might be wondering “How many colleges should I apply to?”
I believe you should apply to anywhere from one to 15 colleges. The standard thinking from counselors has been that the average college-bound student should apply to about 6-8 colleges: 2-3 reach colleges, 2-3 target colleges, and 2 safety schools.
What is a target school in college application?
A target college is a school in which your credentials make you competitive for admission, and you have a decent chance of being accepted to that college (roughly 30%-80%). Identify target schools by doing extensive college research and knowing the traits that you like in your reach schools.
However, with your GPA and ACT score, some of your target colleges could be Tufts University and Boston College, both of which are selective private colleges in the greater Boston area. If you’re thorough in identifying why you like certain schools, that will be helpful for you if you need to find target schools.
What courses does target pay for?
• Education courses covered include: Courses for high school completion, college prep and English language learning as well as select certificates, certifications, bootcamps, associate and undergraduate degrees. Target will also pay a sum toward Master’s degrees .
Target employees will be eligible for the college benefit starting on their first day on the job. For employees who want to pursue a different field of study than the approved selection, Target will pay a maximum of $5,250 annually towards that undergraduate education .
Target will pay up to $5,250 annually for sub-masters degrees and up to $10,000 for master’s degrees each year. According to the company, the new education assistance benefit is part of Target Forward, a new corporate strategy, unveiled earlier this summer, that aims – among other goals – to create an equitable and inclusive workforce.
The Target Corporation announced Wednesday that it would pay for the full cost of college for its employees. The offer covers more than 340,000 U. S.-based employees and constitutes what Target called “the most comprehensive debt-free education assistance program available in the retail industry.”.
The Debt-Free Program is only available to first-time degree seeking students. For those team members that wish to continue their education, Target will pay up to $5,250 for non-master’s degrees and up to $10,000 for master’s degreeseach year. The Debt-Free Degree program is available to Target employees on the first day of employment.