What mcdonalds doesn’t want you to know?

However, while Mc. Nugget and Big Mac connoisseurs may think they know everything there is to know about the Golden Arches, only Mc. Donald‘s employees know what goes on behind the counter.

But hey, even if you eat nothing but Mc. Donald’s burgers, you’re still eating a wide variety of food from all over the globe. It’s the case most associated with “frivolous lawsuits” or an overly litigious society: the woman who successfully sued Mc. Donald’s after she went and spilled a cup of their coffee on herself.

, while mc Donald’s staff are meant to make sure Happy Meals are only sold to children, there’s no way they can monitor who’s ordering what. While staff are meant to change their gloves regularly, keep the burger-assembling bench clean and waste old meat – things can get out of hand during peak-hour.

Why you should not eat mcdonalds?

The fast food chains like Mc. Donalds use excessive salt and sugar to make their meals lucrative and tasty. However it has been recorder that consumption of such meals may lead to increasing cases of diabetes and high blood pressures.

, mc Donald’s uses an excessive amount of preservatives to make their food last for long periods of time. This is not healthy, and you never know when your food was actually made.

Just because of the ingredients in the food, I don’t think that we should eat at Mc, and donald’s. People that take pleasure in the food at Mc. Donald’s should not eat there any longer because the risk is far too high. It can make you gain weight because of the extra calories and fats that you are consuming.

Some authors claimed A lot of the soy-based animal feed that is consumed by chickens to fatten them up is grown in the Amazon. Huge areas of forest and land are cleared for this. This process that Mc. Donald’s uses supports unsustainable agriculture and could ruin the natural food cycle.

Why do people hate McDonald’s so much?

Because when you’re dirt-broke, struggling to raise a family, and living from minimum-wage paycheck to minimum-wage paycheck, you definitely have the option of not volunteering to get paid for something. Like so many other thieving rich folk, Mc. Donald’s has apparently devolved into filthy, leeching tax cheats.

, mc Donald’s has gotten its marketing and branding campaigns right across the globe, which has only served to make the brand even stronger. Perhaps the biggest reason Mc. Donald’s is such a popular brand is due to its sheer simplicity.

One more query we ran across in our research was “Is McDonald’s really in the food business?”.

Former CFO Harry J. Sonneborn explained the chain’s philosophy best, saying, ” [Mc. Donald’s is] not technically in the food business. We are in the real estate business. The only reason we sell 15-cent hamburgers is because they are the greatest producer of revenue, from which our tenants can pay us our rent.”.

Why is McDonald’s so successful?

Big Macs are great, but they aren’t the only reason why Mc. Donald’s stays popular, year in and year out. This fast food chain definitely fills a need in the marketplace, which goes way beyond offering signature burgers with special sauce. Read on to find out why Mc. Donald’s is so successful.

No matter where in the world you are — whether it’s New York City, Paris, or Hong Kong — you’re likely to get a similar experience at each and every Mc. Donald’s location you visit. This is likely because Mc. Donald’s has a system to ensure that all Mc. Donald’s franchises know how to run the business properly.

Is it safe to eat McDonald’s cellulose?

However, if you regularly eat Mc. Donald’s, long-term use can cause stomach cancer, damaged DNA and sadly death. If you don’t like the sound of eating indigestible wood fibres, then stop eating Mc. Donald’s right away. Cellulose is a natural product produced from wood pulp.