Why do mcdonalds ice cream machines break?

According to The Wall Street Journal, many of the machines are old and temperamental, which makes them prone to breaking down. Richard Adams, a consultant to Mc. Donald’s franchisees, told WSJ that he once conducted a survey that showed that 25 percent of Mc. Donald’s restaurants weren’t selling ice cream because the machines were truly broken .

The Reason Mc. Flurry Machines Always Seem to Be Broken Over the years, Mc. Donald’s employees have often said the reason is that the chain’s ice cream machines take a really long time to clean , taking up to four hours to sanitize—and it has to be done every single day.

So, are McDonald’s ice cream machines really broken all the time?

Here are some gross things employees have said about Mc. Donald’s always-busted ice cream machine that may shed some light on the problem: 1. The machines have a crazy cleaning cycle. As it turns out, the ice cream machines probably aren’t broken all the time — they’re probably just being cleaned.

Sometimes the machine is broken because it’s being cleaned , other times it’s “broken” because it needs to be cleaned… and no one wants to do it, which is pretty gross. Reddit user my__name__is said:.

According to investigations, another major cause of problems with the ice cream machines are vigorous cleaning routines , along with a nightly four-hour heat clean to get rid of bacteria.

The dysfunctional machines make treats that account for about 60 percent of the chain’s dessert sales in the US, the Journal reported, citing a consumer survey by research firm Technomic . And the repeated breakdowns rub customers the wrong way, spurring some to even pen petitions calling for action.

Why can’T McDonald’s serve ice cream?

The main reason is that the Mc. Donald’s ice cream machines take forever to clean, taking up to four hours to sanitize—and it has to be done every single day. When the machines are in the process of being cleaned , they can’t serve ice cream .

You may be wondering “Who is behind the lawsuit against McDonald’s ice cream machines?”

One way to think about this is Kytch responded in May with a lawsuit that accused Taylor , a separate repair company authorized to work on the ice cream machines and a Mc. Donald’s franchisee of conspiring to steal Kytch’s technology and replicate its device.

At the root of the FTC’s inquiry is how Mc. Donald’s reviews suppliers and equipment , including the ice cream machines, and how often restaurant owners are allowed to work on their machines, a person familiar with the matter told the Journal..

Why is my maccies deep cleaning machine not working?

If the team are busy serving customers and making food, the machine will sit inoperable. It also has a four-hour deep cleaning system, which – if the branch of Maccies is open 24 hours – will mean it’s unusable for four of those hours .