Why do mcdonalds target children?

Once again, Mc. Donald’s are targeting kids through their sporting heroes and using positive brand associations to improve their perception of being a good choice , because if the best player in the NBA is in a Mc. Donald’s commercial that means that Mc. Donald’s is the best for me!

, mc Donald’s system of attracting customers through children is developed very well : playgrounds for children, celebration of birthdays for a very good price, handing out little bonuses to kids, standing in a queue with their mothers, attention and tolerance of the staff.

The main target customer for Mc. Donald’s includes parents with young children, young children, business customers, and teenagers. Perhaps the most obvious marketing for Mc. Donald’s is its’ marketing towards children and the parents of young children. What is Mc. Donald’s target age group?

Does McDonald’s food go bad?

It’s a pretty well-known rumor that Mc. Donald’s food doesn’t go bad . Some point to this rumor as evidence of how unhealthy Mc. Donald’s food is, and certainly no one would argue that a Big Mac is full of nutrition. But is that true?, does mc Donald’s food last forever? One Facebook user, Jennifer Lovdahl, posted a pic of a six-year-old Happy Meal.

According to Lovdahl, the Happy Meal hadn’t molded, rotted, or decomposed at all. 6 year old fries and chicken nuggets! This is disgusting. Although it is a bit perplexing, it’s actually not weird that the food isn’t rotting . In fact, Serious Eats did an experiment using homemade hamburgers, and those didn’t rot either.

Why don’t McDonald’s burgers rot?

Long story short: Mc. Donald’s burgers don’t rot because they dry out, that’s it. If you think a Mc. Donald’s burger that doesn’t rot is unnatural and gross, you should also count saltine crackers, beef jerky, hardtack, croutons, dried beans, or pretty much any nutrient-rich, shelf-stable food in your pantry as unnatural and gross.

In the example of a Mc. Donald’s hamburger, the patty loses water in the form of steam during the cooking process. The bun, of course, is made out of bread. Toasting it reduces the amount of moisture. This means that after preparation, the hamburger is fairly dry.

Why do McDonald’s Hamburgers rot so fast?

The burgers had each lost a quarter of their weight within the first week, indicating that they had dried out. Without moisture, the mold can’t grow., since mc Donald’s uses thin patties with a lot of surface area, they quickly dry out before they can start to rot.

Why mcdonald’s burgers don’t rot?

The reason a Mc. Donald’s burger doesn’t rot has nothing to do with chemicals, lack of nutrition, or anything else you should be scared of. It all comes down to water activity. See, a Mc. Donald’s hamburger is small and thin, giving it a very high ratio of surface area to volume. It is cooked well-done on a very hot griddle.

Why does toasting a hamburger stop it from rotting?

Toasting it reduces the amount of moisture. This means that after preparation, the hamburger is fairly dry. When left out open in the room, there is further water loss as the humidity within most buildings is around 40%. So in the absence of moisture or high humidity, the hamburger simply dries out, rather than rot.

Can Mold grow on McDonald’s Burgers?

Without moisture, the mold can’t grow., since mc Donald’s uses thin patties with a lot of surface area, they quickly dry out before they can start to rot. This is the entire principle behind beef jerky., a mc Donald’s burger sealed in a plastic bag will be completely consumed with mold within a week.