Every day almost all Dollar General Store operates 12 to 13 hours a day . For all customers, 8 am to 9 pm is the ideal time for visiting the Dollar General store. The store hours are a little bit altered in a few locations.
What time does Dollar General close&open?
For most locations, Dollar General is open at 8 AM from Monday through Sunday. For some locations will have Dollar General is closed at 9 PM. Other locations may have Dollar General close at 10 PM , so be sure to check with your local Dollar General for exact hours.
You might be wondering “Are Dollar General stores open on Sunday?”
The Dollar General Stores provide day to day requirements for everyone, and hence they keep their stores open on Sunday. The timings for Sunday are from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm. The idea of keeping the stores open on Sunday is to ensure that all get the benefit of the best discounts.
The Dollar General stores are generally closed on Easter Sunday and Christmas Day. These both being the major festivals celebrated in America. The stores have given equal opportunity of celebration to their employees, and thus on both these important festivals, the stores are kept closed.
When was the first Dollar General opened?
The first Dollar General store opened in Springfield, Ky. on June 1, 1955, and the concept was simple – no item in the store would cost more than one dollar. The idea became a huge success and other stores owned by J. L. Turner and his son Cal Turner Sr. were quickly converted. By 1957, annual sales of Dollar General’s 29 stores were $5 million.
Dollar General Corporation is a chain of variety stores having its headquarters in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. As per the statistics till July 2018, Dollar General operates more than 15,000 stores across the continental United States . Dollar General Stores started its operations in the year 1939.
Dollar General store costs about $250,000 to build, and pays for itself within 1.7 years, according to company reports. In 2016, Dollar General opened 900 new stores on top of the 730 units opened in 2015.
What are the hours of operation for a grocery store?
These are the typical hours of operation, though the exact times can vary from location to location: Monday to Sunday Hours. Commonly, stores open later than normal and close earlier than normal on major holidays, such as Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day and New Years Day.