Why is my verizon phone not working?

It’s possible that a minor software glitch is preventing the My Verizon app from working properly . If you have an i. Phone 8 or earlier, press and hold the power button until you see slide to power off appear on the display. Then, swipe the red power icon that appears from left to right to shut down your i, and phone.

To turn your i. Phone back on, press and hold the power button (i. Phone 8 and earlier) or the side button (i. Phone X). You can let go of the power button or side button as soon as the Apple logo appears on the center of the display. It’s possible the My Verizon app is not working on your i. Phone because the app is out of date .

If you can’t access My Verizon you can Contact Us . Do I need to manually reconnect my device to the network after a network outage? No, once service is restored to the network your device will receive a signal again.

If an outage is impacting you that Verizon is aware of, a Network Notification alert message is displayed . During a network outage we recommend you connect to Wi-Fi for a data connection, and activate Wi-Fi Calling for voice calls. If you can’t access My Verizon you can Contact Us.

Why verizon cell phone not receiving texts?

The simplest answer if you can’t receive text messages Android, is related to network issues . If your mobile network is acting up, then you will not receive any messages on your mobile. So, check the bar on the top right corner of the screen.

One of the next things we wondered was why am I not receiving text messages on my phone?

If your mobile network is acting up , then you will not receive any messages on your mobile. So, check the bar on the top right corner of the screen. If the bar is not full then the signal strength is weak. So, in this scenario, you can only wait for the network to work properly. Cleaning up Messages.

Use this Verizon Troubleshooter to quickly determine any issues with device settings, Number. Share, or applications that may impact your ability to send or receive text messages. Do all this and more, without waiting for a live agent! You can expect to fix most issues in the troubleshooter in under five minutes .

What is a Verizon troubleshooter?

Please sign in again to continue. Use this Verizon Troubleshooter to quickly determine any issues with device settings, Number . Share, or applications that may impact your ability to send or receive text messages. Do all this and more, without waiting for a live agent!

Then, what are the problems with Verizon Wireless?

Users are reporting problems related to: phone, internet and total blackout . Updated 2 minutes ago: Verizon Wireless is a telecommunications company which offers mobile telephony products and wireless services. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Verizon Communications.

Can verizon see my text messages?

You can actually see your Verizon text messages history as the company allows you to do so. This is a good thing because a lot of other companies only provide the contact number information of incoming and outgoing SMS. With Verizon, you have the ability to see your history for text messages.

How do I view text messages on my Verizon account?

If you’re logged into your My Verizon account as Account Owner/Manager, you have access to the current text logs via the Usage section . You have access to the past 90 days’ worth of text logs via the billing section. See if this helps:.

Technically, Verizon doesn’t allow you to access someone else’s text messages because the telecommunications industry follows strict privacy rules to ensure the safety, security, and privacy of everyone’s conversations. However, there is a way to access certain details of your husband’s text messages . Read on to find out how.

You can see your text messages history on your phone through the messages app . Or, you can view your archived messages as well. However, if you’re a Verizon user, you have the option to check out the last 5 days of messages with other Verizon users. Other mobile carriers do not provide this service as of the moment.

Our best answer is i know the importance of knowing your options for viewing text message content. Our children have phones and communicate primarily via text., as sydney K and budone advised, due to privacy laws, text message content is not available to view online .

How to fix not getting texts from one person error?

You could try the methods mentioned below to fix the not getting texts from one person error.