Upgrade fees are no longer waived by Verizon online, on the phone or in corporate stores. If you go to an authorized agent store or retailer, they MIGHT, but then that’s how they make money as well.
Customers are still charged for the upgrade fee if they purchase a new phone at the full retail price from Verizon Wireless. The only way to avoid the upgrade fee completely is to purchase the phone from the manufacturer directly. I’m most definitely NOT a VZW employee.
How to avoid vzw upgrade fee?
The only way to avoid the upgrade fee completely is to purchase the phone from the manufacturer directly . I’m most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
What is the upgrade/activation fee used for on Verizon?
Verizon uses the upgrade/activation fee to expand the network, support schools and, among a myriad of other things, the customer service call centers that provide the service Verizon customers expect. What are the different errors and mistakes in English?
Moreover, how does Verizon make money on new phones?
You have to understand that Verizon, like a lot of other cell phone companies, make their money on fees and selling you products in their stores at a higher cost than you can get them elsewhere. They don’t make much money on new phones. What are the biggest money secrets that rich people keep from us?
If you order the phone online yourself, your activation fee is only $20 , where the normal fee is $40. Why do telecom companies allow different companies to use their towers (T-Mobile -> Google Fi, Verizon -> Xfinity Mobile)?
Can verizon waive activation fee?
Because the activation fee is an industry standard, convincing Verizon to waive it can be difficult . However, some people were able to get the fee waived, indicating that it is not completely impossible.
One of the next things we asked ourselves was can Verizon waive the $40 activation fee?
The most frequent answer is, they’d rather lose $40 than all of your business. Threaten to switch and they’ll do what they can. When you have an offer to waive it. Verizon recently restructured the activation fee to promote self service by cutting the fee in half.
You may be thinking “How do I get Verizon activation fee waived?”
Verizon recently restructured the activation fee to promote self service by cutting the fee in half. That’s only if you perform the upgrade yourself. In addition, if you call to request the fee be waived, you’ll get, at most, half waived to match the digital option .
Second you need to have a good reason to get it refunded back to you unless you have been a long time customer. If you aren’t a long time customer or can’t come up with a good reason then you will not have the activation fee refunded back to you . You have to understand that Verizon, like Thanks for the A2A. I’ve been a Verizon customer since 1996.