Can walmart cash checks?

There are a number of different checks that Walmart can cash for you at checkout lines . These include payroll checks, government checks, tax refund checks, cashiers’ checks, insurance settlement checks and 401 (k) or the retirement account disbursement checks. In fact, as long as it’s a pre-printed check, it’s likely Walmart can cash it.

Do walmart cash personal checks?

Most Walmart stores have a checking-cashing system in the Money Centre. Walmart will cash personal checks in their Moneycentres up to the value of $5,000 . There is a charge of up to $4 to cash any checks under $1,000 and a charge of up to $8 to cash checks between $1,000-$5,000.

Then, does walmart cash personal checks?

According to the help article on the official Walmart website, Walmart does not cash personal checks . But there is a nuance. While it is true that Walmart does not cash personal checks, the rule only applies to handwritten checks or checks directly loaded with cash.

Walmart is very strict with the kinds of checks that is accepted for its check-cashing services as check fraud is a problem. As you can see, personal checks are not included in the list . Walmart will cash preprinted checks, as in those where the check isn’t handwritten. The types of checks that Walmart won’t cash include:.

These are the kind of checks you can cash at Walmart: Here are the procedures and conditions followed when cashing your personal cash check at any Walmart outlet: In-Store Cashing of Personal Cash Check at Walmart: It’s pretty simple and easy to get your check cash paid at this store chain.

Walmart will not cash the following types of checks: 1 Handwritten checks ; 2 Checks with multiple payees; 3 Checks dated more than 180 days prior; 4 Post-dated checks; 5 Non-Money. Gram money orders; 6 Money. Gram money orders not issued at Walmart;.

Then, does Walmart cash MoneyGram money orders and checks?

The most frequent answer is, in addition, we also cash Money. Gram money orders as long as they were originally purchased at Walmart. The only types of checks we cannot cash are personal checks . As of 2018, we have a check cashing limit of $5,000, although we increase this limit to $7,500 from January to April of each year.

Currently, Walmart only offers in-store check-cashing services. You can take your endorsed check and I. To any cashier, or to the Money. Center service desk. At this time, you will have to pay the associated fee either with cash or a debit card before the check can be cashed. Walmart check-cashing fees include: $8 for checks above $1,000.

What time does Walmart cash checks?

You can cash a check at Walmart during any hours that the store is open. Use the store finder to check your local store hours. Depending on the location, you may be able to cash checks at a checkout lane, customer service desk, or money center. Check if the store has a money center with differing hours.

How much does it cost to cash a Walmart MoneyCard?

Keep in mind that if you have a Walmart Money. Card, which is our reloadable prepaid card, you can also have some or all of that money loaded onto your card and the reload fee that we typically charge for the service, which is $3 , is waived. However, note that the check cashing fee is still applied.

What are the benefits of using the Walmart MoneyCard?

Other amenities from using the Walmart Money. Card are being able to get your tax refund check faster than a paper check through direct deposit from the IRS, and being able to send and receive money easily through Money . Gram and our online bill-paying service.