Which costco membership should I get?

Overall, I only recommend going with the Executive Membership if you are committed to joining Costco and plan on spending more than $250 per month. If you plan on spending less than this, stick with the Gold Star Member plan.

A standard Costco Gold Star membership costs $60 per year , while a Gold Star Executive Membership with annual rewards costs $120 every year. You can’t find out how large your discount is unless you visit the dealership, which has a Costco Member-Only price sheet for each vehicle.

Currently, a Costco Gold Star Membership costs $60 per year and the Executive Membership is $120 per year.

To upgrade to Executive Membership and get an annual 2% Reward (up to $1,000 ), stop by the Membership Counter or call customer care at 1-800-463-3783. The Executive Membership upgrade fee is an additional $60 for Business or Gold Star Members.

Should you upgrade to a Costco gold star membership?

If you love shopping at Costco warehouse clubs as much as money expert Clark Howard does, you may have considered upgrading your Gold Star membership. We’ve explored the benefits of the Costco Gold Star Executive Membership and have run the numbers on it versus a standard Gold Star Membership .

This of course begs the question “Is it worth buying a Costco membership just for the auto program?”

One thought is that however, it’s not worth buying a Costco membership just for the Auto Program because you may be able to get better deals by negotiating on your own. Always compare pricing for the membership program with dealership incentives and offers.

I am a proud Costco Executive Member. Sure, the membership makes me feel obligated to dress business formal when I leave the house, but it’s worth it to feel superior to Gold Star Members and *gulp* non-members. This is reason enough to be an Executive Member.

Can you buy a car at Costco?

But the members-only warehouse club also sells cars, and cars you’ve likely thought about buying . Launched in 1989, Costco Auto Program is “an exclusive type of benefit for Costco members,” says executive vice president Rick Borg. (A Costco membership costs $60 per year for a “Gold Star” membership, or $120 for the “Gold Star Executive” level.).

Members can still get savings and free maintenance on tires . Here is a quick video on how the Costco Auto Program works: Is it worth buying a car through the Costco Auto Program?

The program does include trade-ins . Car buyers can trade in their vehicles for credit toward the new purchase. Additionally, as part of the program (whether you buy a vehicle or not), Costco members receive a 15% discount on services, parts, and accessories.