The two tails in alchemy represent the unity of earth and water, or body and soul. In 1971, the Starbucks logo closely resembled the two-tailed Siren Melusine. Why are there two tails on the Mermaid? She is described often as being more serpentine than fish on her bottom half.
Does Starbucks’ siren have two tails?
These days, we call her by her proper name – the siren, even though the newest logo design doesn’t explicitly show that she has two tails . However, anyone who has ever heard the sing-songy voice of a Starbucks knows that those two stripey designs on the side of her face are in fact her twin tails and that the green woman is most definitely a siren.
The double-tailed mermaid appears to be a reference to an Italian medieval character Starbucks has claimed as “Norse”–but in any case, the imagery, born from a maritime book, inspired its founders to make her the logo of the Seattle coffee shop.
What is a mermaid with two tails called?
Actually, it is a creature from Greek mythology called a siren (half woman, half bird), which is commonly depicted with two tails or two wings. Terry [Heckler] also pored over old marine books until he came up with a logo based on an old sixteenth-century Norse woodcut: a two-tailed mermaid, or siren .
Did you know Seattle has a twin-tailed mermaid?
In a search for a way to capture the seafaring history of coffee and Seattle’s strong seaport roots, there was a lot of poring over old marine books going on. Suddenly, there she was: a 16th century Norse woodcut of a twin-tailed mermaid, or Siren .
Is the Starbucks logo a mermaid?
Many people assume Starbucks’ logo pictures a mermaid, which is half woman and half fish . Actually, it is a creature from Greek mythology called a siren (half woman, half bird), which is commonly depicted with two tails or two wings.
Why is the Starbucks logo a siren when it’s Melusine?
Because the logo was taken from J. E. Cirlot’s Dictionary of Symbols, which it’s literally listed as Twin Tailed Siren (15th Century), which is why the actual creators called it as such whenever talked to about it .
You might be thinking “What is the Starbucks logo design?”
Starbucks logo is a unique and simple design . Today, it has just the face of the siren, her thick flowy locks, and a hint of two tails of the mermaid. It is no doubt one of the most recognizable logos.
Why is the Starbucks logo so famous?
The iconic Starbucks logo design is one of the world’s most memorable emblems and has garnered prestigious design awards for its futuristic design and intricate details .
What is the third version of the Starbucks logo design?
The third version of the Starbucks logo design evolved into a clean design with a close-up view of the mermaid. The navel disappeared from the design, and only the fishtail was visible.
Why is Starbucks still a vast brewed coffee brand?
A reason why Starbucks is still a vast brewed coffee brand is its logo . Starbucks logo evokes history and trust. People have been seeing this unique business emblem for decades. They take the mermaid logo as some sort of culture and are proud of it.
One frequent answer is, the original name, Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spice was also changed to Starbucks Coffee. It was Schultz who got the otherwise complicated Starbucks logo cleaned up a bit and added a more corporate polished look and feel to this business logo design.