Hourly pay at Mc. Donald’s Corporation ranges from an average of $8.09 to $15.79 an hour., mc Donald’s Corporation employees with the job title Restaurant Assistant Manager make the most with an …Read more.
Average Hourly Rate for Mc. Donald’s Corporation Employees Mc. Donald’s Corporation pays its employees an average of $10.01 an hour. Hourly pay at Mc. Donald’s Corporation ranges from an average of $7.87 to $15.33 an hour.
As of Jun 9, 2021, the average hourly pay for the Mcdonalds Cashier jobs category in the United States is $16.27 an hour.
How much does McDonald’s pay in the United States?
, average mc Donald’s hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.50 per hour for Utility Worker to $21.39 per hour for Accounts Payable Specialist. The average Mc. Donald’s salary ranges from approximately $15,080 per year for Staff Member to $159,199 per year for Director of Product Management.
How much do McDonald’s employees get paid?
, mc Donald’s Corporation pays its employees an average of $10.39 an hour. Hourly pay at Mc. Donald’s Corporation ranges from an average of $8.09 to $15.79 an hour., mc Donald’s Corporation employees with the job title Restaurant Assistant Manager make the most with an …Read more.
How much does McDonald’s pay a 14 year old?
Typically a 14 year old person would get paid a rate of $10 or a little more during the working week. In addition to this, the older you turn the more your rate increases either by a few cents or dollars. A 14 year old would average around $150 for a 12 hour week. Simply so, Does Mc. Donald’s pay weekly?, does mc Donald’s pay weekly?
On average, Mc. Donald’s assistant managers make $37,500 a year . The salary range is roughly $24,500 to $56,200 a year. The shift manager will report to you and you will report to the manager. Even though the salary varies according to the location and due to more than 90% of Mc. Donald’s being franchise-owned, here are the salary figures:.
Based on the current labor market, Mc. Donald’s expects that the average wage for employees of its company-owned restaurants will be $15 per hour by 2024., mc Donald’s is raising the hourly wages for its U. Company-owned restaurants as the fast-food chain looks to hire 10,000 workers for those locations.
How many hours a week does McDonald’s hire?
Part-time working hours at Mc. Donald’s are usually anywhere between 15 and 30 hours a week. According to Indeed. Com, The average hours reportedly worked per pay period by past and present workers were approximately 55 hours. Officially, if you work less than 30 hours a week, you are considered a part-time employee at Mc, and donald’s.
What is the minimum age to work at McDonald’s?
Minimum age is generally 14 years old . You will take customers’ orders and prepare the requested foods and drinks. How many hours can a 14 year old work at Mc, and donalds?