There are 18,332 Mc. Donald’s in North America as of February 2021. Within its home country, the USA, it operates 13,683 units spread across 4,649 cities. Canada came in second, accounting for more than 1,400 units in the same fiscal year.
The United States of America hosts about 40% of Mc, and donald’s restaurants. It has more than 14.160 restaurants in the United States. The total number of Mc. Donald’s restaurants in the United States is greater than the number of hospitals available in the country. Japan is the second country with the highest number of Mc, and donald’s restaurants.
The next thing we wanted the answer to was, how many McDonalds in the United States in 2021?
There are 13,439 Mc. Donald’s locations in the United States as of June 06, 2021. The state with the most number of Mc. Donald’s locations in the US is California, with 1,222 locations, which is 9% of all Mc. Donald’s locations in America.
As of 2019, Mc. Donald’s is the leading quick-service restaurant chain in the United States in terms of systemwide sales, accounting for approximately $40.41 billion . If you go to the United States, it seems like there’s a Mc. Donald’s on every corner. So it’s normal to assume that whichever state you go to in the US, you’ll find a Mc, and donald’s.
Approximately 31.5% of revenue collected from the Mc. Donald’s Corporation comes from the United States. Most of the Mc. Donald’s outlets are concentrated in states that have highest number of people such as California, New York, and Texas.
Which states have the most McDonald’s locations?
Top States with the most Mc. Donald’s locations: California Vs. Texas Vs. Florida A location for every 32,360 people, with about 9% of the total number of Mc. Donald’s locations A location for every 25,912 people, with about 8% of the total number of Mc, and donald’s locations.